Some thoughts about my work.

I believe that artists often get lost in their search for inspiration and subject matter. I have, in the past, become frustrated with my own search for the perfect subject. The problem, more often than not, was that the subject was so perfect; it was simply hidden in plain sight.

As a result of one of those agonizing searches, I became acutely aware of the latent, sculptural qualities of seemingly simple and benign objects. I realized I had become oblivious to the beauty of simple form.

I think most of us have.

When isolated and carefully scrutinized, the folds of a simple piece of fabric become a magical, abstract image. The creases on a sheet of white paper suddenly become the framework for a minimalist sculpture. Now, saturate those images with light and shadow and suddenly you have a study in sublime form. The beauty of it all lies in its deceptive simplicity.

Lately, I have come to realize that I have not been trying to add to my carving repertoire, in fact quite the contrary; I am actually trying to reduce it, by attempting to make a sculptural statement with as few marks as possible.

The shapes and contours of my sculptures are defined by shadows.

Unfettered and pared down to eliminate everything, except the beauty of the simple line.

Simplicity. Minimalism. Pure form.

But, that is much easier said than done.
